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Iran says informed of China’s report on U.S. “subversive” interference in other states

TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Monday that the country was aware of a recent report released by China about the U.S. government’s efforts to subvert state power in other countries and interfere in their internal affairs.
He made the remarks at a weekly press conference in Tehran while commenting on a report titled “The National Endowment for Democracy: What It Is and What It Does,” released earlier this month by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
The report delves into the National Endowment for Democracy’s history since 1983, using examples to expose its methods of subverting state power, meddling in other countries’ internal affairs, inciting division and confrontation, misleading public opinion, and conducting ideological infiltration, under the pretext of promoting democracy.
“We have been informed of the report’s release by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, are aware of the issue and have received relevant reports,” he said.
Citing the 1953 coup in Iran as an example, Kanaani said that it is not new to the Iranian people that the U.S. government, “which claims to be advocating human rights and democracy,” would take “destructive” actions to interfere in the internal affairs of independent states and those countries that refrained from following its policies, including Iran, in different forms.
Kanaani said such behaviors by the United States had been witnessed frequently over the past years in different states, where the U.S. government had sought to make “unconstructive and even subversive” interventions through certain “seemingly” non-governmental organizations.
By “abusing” such institutions and directing such organizations, the United States launched bids to violate other countries’ national sovereignty, security, stability and calm through its expansionist policies, he added. ■
